1. Combine your key file, Certificate file and Intermediate/Chain files into a file named "combined".
  2. Upload the combined file into /home/username/ssl/, the username here should be your actual cPanel username
  3. Login to WHM, locate to Home > Service Configuration > Apache Configuration > Include Editor
  4. In "Pre Main Include" section, under "I wish to edit the Pre Main configuration include file for:", choose "All Versions", paste the following code into "Global" textarea:
    ServerName ip_address
    DocumentRoot /home/username/public_html
    ErrorDocument 400 "https://ip_address
    <IfModule ssl_module>
    SSLEngine on
    SSLCertificateFile /home/username/ssl/combined
    Make sure to replace username with your cPanel username and ip_address with your own IP address.
  5. Repeat step 4. in "Pre VirtualHost Include" section
  6. Click "Update" button and restart Apache.
  7. Paste the same code into "Global" textarea in "Pre VirtualHost Include" section. under "I wish to edit the Pre VirtualHost configuration include file for:"  choose "All Versions". Make sure to replace username with your cPanel username and ip_address with your own IP address. Click "Update" button and restart Apache.
  8. If everything done properly, you should be able to visit your IP with https without issue.
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